
Course Description

Registration Fee

  • After the first 22 registrations, the fee is $115 per person

Prescribed fire is defined as fire applied in a knowledgeable manner to forest fuels on a specific land area under selected weather conditions to accomplish predetermined, well-defined management objectives. Georgia Forestry Commission instructors will provide instruction on subjects such as fire behavior, fire weather, air quality, smoke management and fire tactics. Course includes self-study of materials provided by mail prior to the program, a two-day training session and a written state exam. Applicants for certification must pass this exam with a score of 70 or higher, have two years of experience, and meet a prerequisite of having been the person in charge of five prescribed burns before becoming a certified prescribed burner in Georgia. Please note that the order of meeting these requirements does not matter. Individuals may go through this training, then gain the required experience or gain the required experience, then go through this training. 11.5 hours of CFE’s will be awarded for those registered foresters needing continuing education credits.

Click on this link to download and print the required textbook - https://www.srs.fs.usda.gov/pubs/su/su_srs054.pdf.

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