
Course Description


If you often find yourself at a loss for words or lack confidence in your communication abilities, you will appreciate this course. Each lesson works through the step by step process needed to become a great conversationalist. You will learn to use communication to build rapport and create environments of trust, warmth, and respect. Become more confident, create a great first impression, get along well with others, and create more and better personal and professional relationships.


  • Lesson 1 - Introduction to the Keys to Effective Communication
  • Lesson 2 - Rapport
  • Lesson 3 - Pacing, Linking and Leading
  • Lesson 4 - Mastering Learning Styles
  • Lesson 5 - Regaining Lost Rapport
  • Lesson 6 - Mastering Motivation
  • Lesson 7 - Group Presentations
  • Lesson 8 - Communication in Leadership and Teamwork
  • Lesson 9 - Communication With Children
  • Lesson 10 - Subconscious Communication
  • Lesson 11 - Managing Stressful Communication and Anger
  • Lesson 12 - Review of the Keys to Effective Communication
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