
Course Description

Emotional intelligence describes the ability to understand one's own feelings, and that of groups, and how these emotions can influence motivation and behavior.

What does the phrase “emotional intelligence in the workplace” encompass? There are five main areas of focus that are included in most studies:

  • Self-awareness – of emotions and self-worth, and confidence in one’s abilities.
  • Self-regulation – of emotions, standards of honesty, and adaptability.
  • Motivation – drive to achieve goals, commitment, and initiative.
  • Empathy – high sense of diversity, compassion, and is driven to assist others.
  • Social Skills – skills in conflict management, communication, and leadership.


    • Define and practice self-management, self-awareness, self-regulation, self-motivation, and empathy.
    • Understand, use and manage your emotions.
    • Verbally communicate with others.
    • Successfully communicate with others in a non-verbal manner.
    • Identify the benefits of emotional intelligence.
    • Relate emotional intelligence to the workplace.
    • Balance optimism and pessimism.
    • Effectively impact others.


  • Introduction to Emotional Intelligence
    • Definition
    • History
    • Who Needs It?
    • Goals
  • Benefits
    • Reducing Anxiety and Stress
    • Conflict Resolution
    • Relationship Management
    • Overcoming Obstacles at Work
  • Social Skills
    • Building Rapport
    • Nonverbal Communication
    • Emotional Awareness
    • Empathetic Accuracy
  • Reducing Anxiety and Stress
    • Mindfulness
    • Changing Thoughts
    • Changing Actions
    • Long Term Relaxation Techniques
  • Conflict Resolution
    • Working as a Team
    • Ability to Change
    • Reverence
    • Big Picture
  • Relationship Management
    • Effective Communication
    • Bringing Out the Best
    • Motivating
    • Influencing
  • Overcoming Obstacles at Work
    • Recognizing Failure
    • Admitting Failure
    • Learning from Failure
    • Implementing Changes
  • Building Rapport
    • Observing
    • Asking Questions
    • Listening
    • Finding Common Ground
  • Nonverbal Communication
    • Facial Expressions
    • Body Language
    • Giving Full Attention
    • Space
  • Emotional Awareness and Empathetic Accuracy
    • Why is it Important?
    • Cognitive
    • Emotional
    • Compassionate
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