
Course Description

This course introduces the concept of civility, its importance to a company, as well as its typical causes and effects. Skills needed to effectively practice civil behavior, as well as different ways organizations can systematize civility in the workplace will also be discussed.


  • Define civility, understand its causes, and enumerate at least three of its behavioral indicators.
  • Understand the costs of incivility, as well as the rewards of civility, within the workplace.
  • Learn practical ways of practicing workplace etiquette.
  • Learn the basic styles of conflict resolution.
  • Learn skills in diagnosing the causes of uncivil behavior.
  • Understand the role of forgiveness and conflict resolution.
  • Understand the different elements of effective communication.
  • Learn facilitative communication skills such as listening and appreciative inquiry.
  • Learn specific interventions that can be utilized when there’s conflict within the workplace.
  • Learn a recommended procedure for systematizing civil behavior within the workplace


  • Introduction
    • What is Uncivil Behavior?
    • Three Reasons Why You Should Be Civil
    • Dealing with Difficult Personalities
    • Cost and Rewards
  • Effective Work Etiquette
    • Greetings
    • Respect
    • Involvement
    • Being Politically Correct
  • Costs and Rewards
    • Incivility and the Costs
    • Civility and Rewards
    • Four Causes of Incivility
    • How to Overcome It
  • Conflict Resolution
    • Collaborating
    • Competing
    • Compromising
    • Accommodating
    • Avoiding
  • Getting to the Cause
    • Examining the Root Cause
    • Creating a Cause-and-Effect Diagram
    • Forgiveness
    • Benefits of Resolution
  • Communication
    • Para-verbal Communication
    • Non-verbal Communication
    • Listening Skills
    • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Negotiation
    • Three Sides to Incivility
    • Mediation
    • Arbitration
    • Creative Problem-Solving
  • Identifying Your Need
    • Completing a Needs Analysis
    • Focus Groups
    • Observations
    • Anonymous Surveys
  • Writing a Civility Policy
    • Designating the Core Group
    • Defining What is Unacceptable Behavior
    • Defining the Consequence
    • Writing the Policy
  • Implementing the Policy
    • The First Steps
    • Training
    • Addressing Complaints
    • Enforcing Violators
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