
Course Description

Servant leadership is a philosophy that leaders are servants of their human and other resources. It involves focusing on others and building better relationships. Servant leadership emphasizes growth and development of employees and ensuring their success. Leaders succeed when their employees succeed.


  • Define servant leadership
  • Know the characteristics of servant leadership
  • Recognize the barriers of servant leadership
  • Learn to be a mentor and a motivator
  • Practice self-reflection


  • What is Servant Leadership?
    • A Desire to Serve
    • Share the Power   
    • Putting Others First  
    • Helping Employees Grow 
  • Leadership Practices 
    • Democratic Leadership Style  
    • Laissez-Faire Style  
    • Leading by Example  
    • Path-Goal Theory    
  • Share the Power    
    • Being Empathetic   
    • Learn to Delegate    
    • Their Success is Your Success    
    • Know When to Step In    
  • Characteristics of a Servant Leader    
    • Listening Skills    
    • Persuasive Powers    
    • Recognizes Opportunities    
    • Relates to Employees    
  • Barriers to Servant Leadership    
    • Excessive Criticism    
    • Doing Everything Yourself    
    • Sitting on the Sidelines    
    • Demanding from Employees    
  • Building a Team Community  
    • Identify the Group Needs    
    • Complement Member Skills    
    • Create Group Goals    
    • Encourage Communication  
  • Be a Motivator    
    • Make it Challenging    
    • Provide Resources    
    • Ask for Employee Input    
    • Offer Incentives    
  • Be a Mentor    
    • Establish Goals    
    • Know When to Praise or Criticize    
    • Create a Supportive Environment    
    • Create an Open-Door Policy    
  • Training Future Leaders    
    • Offer Guidance and Advice    
    • Identify Their Skill Sets    
    • Methods of Feedback    
    • Establish Long Term Goals    
  • Self-Reflection  
    • Keep a Journal    
    • Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses    
    • Identify Your Needs    
    • Creating Your Own Goals
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