Workforce Development Solutions

The Economic Development Division comprises Continuing Education, Customized Employee Training, Conference Centers, and Business Services. For more information, please contact us at CommunityEd@CoastalPines.Edu or 912-262-4300.

Continuing Education

Individual Training

Continuing Education provides individuals with hundreds of high-quality noncredit training solutions that are designed for professional and personal development.

Customized Training

Employee Training

Customized Employee Training provides employers with a practical and cost-efficient solution for high-quality customized employee training. The curriculum, schedule, and location are tailored to the request of an employer, then developed and delivered by professionals with relevant business and industry experience. Live instructor-led virtual training is also an option for several topics. Our subject matter experts develop a wide variety of training solutions, so please let us know if you have other training topics in mind.

Conference Centers

Facility Rentals

Conference Centers provide employers, individuals, and organizations with high-quality venues and services for conferences, events, meetings, training retreats, weddings, receptions, and reunions.

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